b2b_1Before you can show profit on the books, you need control at POS. Here are the top 10 features your POS must have to gain total command of your wireless retail store, from the back office to the showroom floor.

  1. Integrated carrier sales portals: Integrating sales portals helps to eliminate the need for double data entry, reducing the time it takes to process an activation and increasing accuracy and efficiency — all of which frees up more time for reps to serve customers.
  2. Seamless integration with payment gateways: POS systems with smooth and fast access to payment gateways enables seamless and efficient transactions which makes for fewer logjams at the cash wrap and happier customers leaving the store.
  3. Accurate commission reconciliation: Along with precise and user-friendly reporting, managers need the ability to track and reconcile carrier commissions.
  4. Comprehensive inventory management: Go beyond what’s in a single store and manage inventory, bins, and aging across the entire company for all serialized and standard products.
  5. Automated business intelligence & mobile reporting: With real-time reports that can be accessed and read on any device, managers can quickly take the pulse of an entire business from anywhere with an internet connection. Schedule reports to be delivered to whomever you want, whenever you want. For example, schedule a month-end sales tax report for your accountant after close of business the last day of the month.
  6. Generate Barcodes: For those generic loose items you buy in bulk, our system can generate a barcode based on the customized UPC you choose.
  7. Rebate and promotions tracking: Understanding the rate of rebate redemptions and effectiveness of promotions is important. Accessing a POS system with real time reports can give you an instant snapshot of both so you can dial in offers and make them more impactful.
  8. Renewal, port-in, add-a-line, and upgrade tallies: Be sure you’re tracking toward carrier sales goals with detailed reports on demand that show you where you stand with every line of business.
  9. Employee reports: Regular hours, overtime, vacation time, sick days, staffing levels, forward-looking schedules—the more you know without having to wait until the end of the day, week, or month, the better you can manage your sales force and payroll—not to mention serve customers.
  10. Customized marketing tools: Use built-in marketing tools that can access shopper data and generate targeted campaigns and promotions that can reach customers instantly via email or SMS.

If all those features pack into one platform sounds like a dream POS system, you might be right. But it’s a dream hundreds of wireless retailers and master dealers around the country are living—and using—right now to maintain absolute control over POS and save time, effort, and money.

b2b_4Cary Alan is VP of Sales and Business Development at B2B Soft . B2B Soft’s flagship product, Wireless Standard, is the premier POS system for wireless retailers, in use at thousands of locations.

Please contact Cary for additional information



Wireless Standard integrates all the essential POS programs you need into One platform.

Wireless Standard integrated features include:

  • Carrier sales portals
  • Payment pathways
  • Precise commission reporting & reconciliation
  • Comprehensive inventory management
  • Renewal, port-in, add-a-line, &upgrade tallies
  • Automated reports& mobile access
  • Rebate & promotions tracking
  • Bar code creation
  • Employee reports
  • Built-in marketing tools



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