Wireless Dealer Magazine reports the following driving factors:
1. Easy market entrée into a booming business, low startup cost, easily added to existing businesses, and fast return on investment.
2. The number of phone repair training courses nationwide has surged & course affordability has remained low (ranging from $1000 – $2,000)
3. Consumers demand for immediate smart-phone repairs, increased number of devices per person, and device repair becoming a common-place service.A recent study from Square Trade shows that Americans have spent a whopping $23.5 billion on repairing or replacing damaged smart-phones (all brands) in the seven years.

Consider the possible reaction based market research done by Wireless Dealer Magazine.
Wireless Dealer Magazine, reports 30% of independent wireless service and repair retailers stated they had some overstock for immediate sale.When asked if they were interested in buying products in bulk, at a reduced priced, 80% answered yes.
Wireless Dealer Magazine provided telemarketing research on behalf of one of the top 3 national
carriers. The goal of the campaign was to prequalify repair retailers interested in learning how to become an exclusive carrier dealer store. 67% repair retailers answered yes to the question.