Analysts at, in partnership with Wireless Dealer Magazine, have identified a few key tactics independent repair shops can use immediately to ensure they continue to thrive well into next decade:
New repair support services.
Consider offering a range of annual contracts or monthly subscription support services that go beyond the one-off, smart-phone repair transaction.

For example, StayMobile promotes services such as:
- Warranty and device protection solutions
- Mobile device management services
- Data and identity protection
- Mobile security and management for apps. devices
- Annual maintenance services available for K-12 and B2B
- Child safety app. protection
- Lifetime warranty on all services.
As devices and apps. evolve, so will the services repair entrepreneurs can offer. A popular after- market service is Smart-phone Waterproofing.

For example, Liquipel actively licenses its WaterSafe machine, allowing repair professionals to easily, quickly and permanently waterproof new and used smart-phones.
Investing in a licensing relationship with waterproofing providers is on track to be a sizable new revenue generator. Especially if your store establishes a reputation for waterproofing smartphones and other devices/products.
Bundle your accessories in a RX care package and consider offering a device management/care warranty program. Both provide additional sales after the phone repair
Why offer phone cleansing products?
By putting cleaners on your counter like Whoosh or Screen Cleaner gives your customer the impression you care about keeping their phone clean. You are showing that it is important to clean and protect phones after they are repaired. In addition, current reports paint a vivid picture of the average amount of germs on the surfaces of phones.