


So, what does a 100% guarantee mean to you? According to Davis, “if you try one of our products and it’s not exactly what you thought it was, let us know and we’ll take it back – no questions asked.” The guarantee will become effective later this year

“That’s one of the big things that we’re working on for third and fourth quarter,” says Davis.

A Guarantee That’s Tough To Beat!


“Lux Wireless,” Davis says, “is really about putting its customers first. In fact, Lux Wireless is coming out with different display programs that gives small buyer customers a display for the speakers that will accommodate up to three different speakers and allow the customer to sample the speakers with the press of a button.” However, Lux Wireless’ service beyond the sale goes farther than speaker displays alone.

“Lux Wireless,” says Davis, “also has internal POP material that’s pre-made and available for every holiday. This allows the customer to communicate three Lux Wireless items that they sell.

From there, Lux Wireless can customize that in the POP materials and send it to each of their stores.” Additionally, the wireless cell phone accessories supplier also includes training for their dealers, which is a nice touch that really helps sellers learn the products.

“We can send one of our guys to their location within the U.S.,” says Davis, “to help train their staff on how to sell our product. We’re tagging it as service beyond the sale because we really are a partner in this.send one of our guys to their location within the U.S.,” says Davis.

Service beyond the sale has a nice ring to it for Lux Wireless, a company that offers “cool stuff, easy” in the cell phone accessories niche. Afterall, phone bling has more of a necessity that gives consumers a way to customize the look of their phone to match their personalities lifestyles.  

lux giril





If you think Lux Wireless might be a good fit for your store, call your Lux Wireless sales representative and set up a buyer’s account today.



A product guarantee is something that we love in the industry, or really in any industry.


A guarantee lets customers know that you stand behind your brand, products and services. It also gives customers a reason to buy more.


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